
Call for posters

If you have something to show in the form of a poster, bring the poster with you !

Call for sessions

You can submit your own Brightcon 2024 idea for an interactive session: workshop, presentation, you name it.

Stay tuned for the upcoming call and details.

Call for a (student) volunteer to set up the virtual platform for this years’ hybrid Brightcon

We are dedicated to make Brightcon 2024 a successful hybrid conference with high-level experience for both the virtual and the physical attendees. We are seeking a motivated and tech-savy volunteer or student to assist in setting up the virtual platform which will be the basis for this success. This exciting opportunity will provide you with valuable experience in working with a cutting-edge conference tool, besides contributing to the core of the success of Brightcon 2024.

Your responsibilities

  • Follow the introduction by the platform owners and familiarize yourself with the platform.
  • Collaborate with the organizational committee to formulate the specific requirements of the Brightcon platform
  • Customize and personalize the platform to meet these requirements.
  • Set up and configure the virtual platform for the conference, ensuring smooth navigation and functionality supporting the success of the hybrid conference.
  • Conduct thorough testing and troubleshooting to ensure optimal performance.

Eventually, if you want to participate at Brightcon

  • Provide technical support to conference attendees during the event
  • Assist in managing the hybrid/virtual sessions
  • At least provide virtual support during the conference in case any issues arise.
We expect all this to be a workload of ca. 2 weeks before the conference.

What you bring

  • Motivation to make the hybrid Brightcon 2024 a special experience
  • Availability to dedicate a significant portion of the required set-up time in August, and availability in September
  • Flexibility to provide at least virtual support during the conference for any last-minute technical issues

We can remunerate you with a payment of EUR 500.

You will gain hands-on experience with a prominent virtual conference platform.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send a brief statement of your background (relevant experience and skills) and motivation to

We look forward to working together to set up a virtual platform which will support our hybrid conference goals fully!